This is an important example since this building might be considered the first residential building of several storeys to be built with timber in Spain after the absolute generalised use of steel and reinforced concrete in building construction consolidated at the beginning of the 20th century. So this is the first multiple-storey high building erected in Spain without using traditional materials and providing an opportunity for the par excellence recyclable, structurally-sustainable building material, i.e. timber.
The property owner is a public property developer company (Sociedad Arabarri), which was receptive to the proposal from the team of architects bearing in mind the cutting-edge nature of this project in a country like Spain with zero experience to date in using timber for high-rise construction. Future users received information sessions to ensure none of them objected to or rejected the proposal given the quirkiness of the project.

This is a five storey building for 7 dwellings, 3 parking spaces and storage rooms. The layout was determined by the plot and the need to integrate the archaeological remains of the wall crossing them, likewise the combination of economic, social and technical variables. A level of concrete slab with metal pillars was proposed to enable release the remains of the original wall of the town.
The first floor of CLT would start on this level. The building volume overhangs the archaeological remains of the wall, which is visible from the corner. By opting to use CLT panels works gain in speed and cleanliness.
In the end, this material embodies the design and timber was left visible in some areas of the dwellings and in the entire common entrance nucleus of staircases and lifts.


  • Cross Laminated Timber (CLT)
    Cross Laminated Timber (CLT)


  • Periodo de construcción


Equipo de trabajo

Estudio de arquitectura
OTADUY ARISTIZABAL ARQUITECTOSotaduyaristizabal.blogspot.com/



Ingeniería Egoin
Ibon Ramos

Comercial Egoin
UNAI Gorroño